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Shakespeare? Fun?

I didn't think I could ever get excited about Shakespeare, but was I ever wrong! I encourage you to introduce his works to your Wee Ones while they are young so they will grow up loving him and not missing out. Here is how to get started:

1. Read them the stories in language that they understand.

  • Bruce Colville has written beautiful picture books which are availabe from the library.

  • Tales from Shakespeare by Charles & Mary Lamb retells the stories in easier language

  • Jim Weiss - audio book: Shakespeare for Children

  • Shakespeare Can Be Fun Series by Lois Burdett

2. Take them to see productions. They won't understand everything that is being said but they will get the gist of the story and be drawn in.

  • read the story before going

  • tell them what they are going to see

  • talk about the costumes and the set afterwards

3. Memorize short, famous quotes from his works.

  • To be, or not to be: that is the question.

  • When shall we three meet again?

  • Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

  • To thine own self be true.

  • As merry as the day is long.

  • The course of true love never did run smooth.

4. Use Lois Burdett's books as a jumping off point for writing and drawing different parts of the story. I'll post some of my examples on the "how to" page so you can get some ideas from what we have done.

5. Have fun yourself! Shakespeare isn't dull and boring, but rather fun and exciting! Go ahead and give it a try, and let me know how it's going.

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